
IMPORTANT! Extension of flight restrictions to a number of airports in southern Russia until November 03
We inform you that the flight restriction to a number of airports in the south of Russia has been prolonged...  26.10.2022
IMPORTANT! Extension of flight restrictions to a number of airports in southern Russia until Oсtober 16
We inform you that the flight restriction to a number of airports in the south of Russia has been prolonged...  07.10.2022
IMPORTANT! Extension of flight restrictions to a number of airports in southern Russia until Oсtober 10
We inform you that the flight restriction to a number of airports in the south of Russia has been prolonged...  03.10.2022
Dmitry Semykin, Commercial Director of subagent business, is among the top thousand Russian managers
Every year, the Association of Managers (AMR), with consulting support of the Kommersant Publishing House and verification by members of the Top 1000 Academy of Prizes...  03.10.2022
IMPORTANT! Extension of flight restrictions to a number of airports in southern Russia until Oсtober 04
We inform you that the flight restriction to a number of airports in the south of Russia has been prolonged...  26.09.2022